Perspective is irreplaceable. 

Our Publications:


Growth Strategy Example
by Michael Hirt


Outline for a Business Plan
by Michael Hirt


Key Considerations for Acquiring a Company
by Michael Hirt


Investment Proposal for Private Equity Transaction
by Michael Hirt


The perfect Post Merger Integration
by Michael Hirt


How Managers Start into a New Year
by Michael Hirt


Our Publications:

Organization & Change Management

Competitive Advantage Diversity
by Michael Hirt and Filip Linhart

A study of best practices of leaders in diversity management with comprehensive recommendations for companies willing to leverage the full potential of diversity management in their organizations.

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Great Consultants Made in Austria and What Managers Can Learn From Them
by Michael Hirt (Ed.)

The management consulting profession has been fundamentally shaped by a number of thinkers, which originated from the region formerly known as Austria-Hungary. By analyzing the work and contribution of these thinkers, it is possible to gain a fundamental and rounded understanding of key theoretical consulting approaches and their practical application to management.

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How Microsoft Netherlands Reinvented the Way of Work (really)
by Michael Hirt


Bribing the Knowledge Worker
by Michael Hirt


Code of Conduct for an Executive Team
by Michael Hirt


Our Publications:

Executive Performance

7 Questions for Structuring a Problem
by Michael Hirt


Questions for Examining the Ethics of a Business Decision
by Michael Hirt


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