Christina Slomka | Visiting Associate | Die Presse - Digital Business
"After having worked at HIRT&FRIENDS as an intern for 6 months in 2016, I had the opportunity to continue as a project associate. As was the case during the internship, I was able to not only develop more competences and deepen my knowledge concerning the work as consultant, but also gained experiences that made me grow as a young professional. This was enabled by the teaching capabilities of Dr. Hirt and his incredibly rich experience, which he was always willing to share. Furthermore, he never failed to be supportive and provide encouraging words as well as continuous feedback, which made me feel valued for my knowledge and skills.
Another essential point that made my working experience at HIRT&FRIENDS so valuable was that I was often assigned with tasks that were challenging, interesting and where I had the chance to incorporate my own ideas and knowledge.
The work at HIRT&FRIENDS has advanced me in my personal development, my experience and my knowledge far beyond my expectations and I really hope that I will cross paths with Dr. Hirt and HIRT&FRIENDS again!"
Filip Linhart | Business Associate | PCCW Solutions Ltd. Hong Kong
"The internship at HIRT&FRIENDS allows literally to jump into the top-level consulting business. The challenging diverse assignments and international client projects motivated me to step far beyond my comfort zone and to dramatically accelerate my working style to meet the company's high quality standards. Cooperating with Dr. Hirt was the perfectly tailored self-leadership course a soon-graduating business student can ask for! His straightforward thinking and inspirational leadership only amplified the value of this experience."
Mariya Vasyliv | Bachelor Student | Harz University/Germany
„Looking for an educational and applied internship for my studies, I found HIRT&FRIENDS. I decided to join the company not only because of the breadth of its consulting approach, but also because of the opportunity to work closely with Dr. Hirt. My internship was a fantastic learning opportunity and I benefited greatly. Consulting is hard work and requires passion and good self management to be successful. During my internship I saw how to work in a very results driven way, how to be analytic and conceptual and very patient in order to succeed. At my job interview Dr. Hirt told me: „in our company you will learn a lot“ and during the whole internship he was right. There was no day when I did not learn something from him."
Christian Rauhofer | Financial Reporting | Amgen
"I worked with Michael when I joined HIRT&FRIENDS as a Visiting Associate and then moved on to become a Project Associate of the firm. My learning curve was tremendous and working with Michael and his matter of fact, to the point working style was challenging, but at the same time it provided me with a unique learning opportunity. Michael is a consumate professional, who really goes all the way to make sure that his clients are superpleased. He motivates his co-workers to give their best, whilst keeping things in perspective with his sense of humor."
Martin Maier | Master's Graduate | Leopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck
"I joined HIRT&FRIENDS as a Project Associate after graduating from the Vienna University of Economics and Business. Working with Michael certainly sparked my interest in the consulting industry and taught me a lot about effective management and self leadership. The time spent at HIRT&FRIENDS surpassed my expectations by far. The extremely varied and challenging responsibilities in a respectful, constructive and motivating working environment allowed an incredibly rich learning experience. Michael is a true professional who is always willing to go the extra mile in order to satisfy his clients. His vast knowledge and long lasting experience enable him to make quick, but well thought out decisions, even under pressure. Michael always motivates his co-workers to give their best and is keen to help them to reach their next level."
Lizanne Müller | Business Control Manager | Bristol-Myers Squibb
"Michael is a professional whom I highly respect. Not only does he have the motivation and commitment to excel in everything he does, he is also a genuine person who takes the time to understand your situation and make a positive impact towards your success. I first got to know him as a visiting professor at my university and then as my direct boss at H&F Strategy Consultants. Working under him on several projects was inspiring and taught me a lot about effective management and leadership. Michael's ability to draw on his comprehensive knowledge and experience to make quick, but well thought out decisions, even under pressure, and to articulate his thoughts clearly is very commendable. His keen ability to see the big picture without losing sight of the details was also appreciated. It was a privilege to work with and for Michael. I would recommend him as an leader, speaker and consultant without hesitation."
Oliver Kopinits | Group Product Manager | L'Oréal Österreich
"Im Zuge meines Studiums auf der Fachhochschule Wr. Neustadt im Bereich Business Consultancy International ist ein 6-monatiges Berufspraktikum zu absolvieren. Ich habe Dr. Hirt bereits als Vortragenden auf meiner FH kennen gelernt und sofort Interesse an der Beratungsbranche gefunden. Die direkte Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Hirt und seinem Team an diversen Kundenprojekten, sowie das selbständige Arbeiten, Recherchieren und Analysieren von bisher unbekannten Arbeitsbereichen haben mir gezeigt, wie sowohl in der Gruppe als auch allein strukturiert und effizient gearbeitet wird. Bei meinem Praktikum bei HIRT&FRIENDS Strategy Consultants wurden meine Erwartungen weit übertroffen. Der äußerst abwechslungsreiche und herausfordernde Aufgabenbereich in einem freundlichen und konstruktiven Arbeitsklima ermöglichten eine unglaublich reichhaltige Lernerfahrung, die ich nun durch eine weitere Mitarbeit als Project Associate fortsetzen kann."
Ruth Lummerstorfer | Assistentin Projektmanagement | Katholische Männerbewegung
"Mein Praktikum bei HIRT&FRIENDS Strategy Consultants ermöglichte mir im Sommer 2007 breite Einblicke in die Welt der Strategieberatung und des Führungskräfte-Trainings. Als Teil eines ausgesprochen freundlichen und hilfsbereiten Teams konnte ich mich schnell einarbeiten und bereits nach kurzer Zeit selbstständig vielerlei Aufgaben erledigen. Ich kümmerte mich u.a. eigenverantwortlich um die Office-Administration, führte umfassende Research-Aktivitäten durch und bereitete zahlreiche PPT-Präsentationen vor. Außerdem schulte ich neue Mitarbeiter ein, wurde zu Marketingvorgängen herangezogen, assistierte bei Trainings und war fixer Bestandteil bei der Entwicklung eines firmeninternen Mitarbeiterhandbuchs. Von der fachlichen Erfahrung abgesehen hatte ich auch das Glück, selber zu erleben, welch ungemein positive Effekte ein offenes und kollegiales Arbeitsklima auf das eigene Wohlbefinden und die eigene Produktivität hat. In einem so wertschätzenden, ehrlichen und motivierenden Umfeld zu arbeiten hätte ich mir besser gar nicht wünschen können! Das fast 3-monatige Praktikum war für mich in jeder Hinsicht eine wertvolle Erfahrung und die Zusammenarbeit mit Herrn Dr. Hirt eine unheimliche Bereicherung, weil ich von ihm - nicht nur als professionellem Strategieberater und Trainer sondern auch als Mensch - vieles lernen konnte."
Sabrina Fuchs | Postgraduate in Business Psychology | Heriot-Watt University (UK)
"Working for HIRT&FRIENDS was an exciting opportunity to apply my knowledge in a real life setting. Dr. Hirt is a highly knowledgable and experienced professional, who inspired me to strive for excellence. His targeted feedback helped me to detect my weaknesses and improve my skills. I am really glad that I had the chance to work at HIRT&FRIENDS and I would be happy to work with Dr. Hirt again in the future."
Christina Slomka | Master's Student | Management Center Innsbruck/Austria
"I worked at HIRT&FRIENDS as an intern for 6 months. In this time, I learned more and gained more experience than I could have ever imagined. Not only did I learn a lot about specific projects and companies and got to interact with CEOs of different companies, but working with and for Dr. Hirt has taught me a lot about business in general and about how to improve my own working efficiency, effectiveness and self management. Even though the time at HIRT&FRIENDS was hard work and required ambitiousness and a drive for results, it was always worth it when a new client was acquired or gave positive feedback on a project and you felt like you’ve really contributed to accomplish that. Dr. Hirt made sure to to give positive feedback to me, when I had done a good job.
Working for HIRT&FRIENDS really is not your standard internship where you have to fulfill the same five tasks over and over. There were new tasks waiting for me almost every day, and I really felt like I was valued and needed for my skills and knowledge when assisting Dr. Hirt and not just „anyone to do the job“.
I highly valued the opportunity for hands-on experience working with and for clients, far beyond the level that my colleagues experienced in other internships.
The internship at HIRT&FRIENDS has advanced me in my personal development, my experience and my knowledge far beyond my expectations and I really hope that I will cross paths with Dr. Hirt and HIRT&FRIENDS again!